Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Most people close to me know that I love quotes; I am always goggling quotes about life, happiness, love, etc. Today while piddling, I found this excerpt by Joseph Bailey, it is from his book, The Speed Trap, “You don’t have to be a genius to have wisdom; it is available to all of us. When your mind spins out of control, let go and trust that the wisdom within you will guide you back to happiness. Wisdom is true genius.” I think one of the benefits of getting older is that, presumably, we also get wiser. Humans of all ages react to most things from either of three locations within us – head… heart… and gut/instinct. I believe wisdom might simply be knowing which one to listen to.

For submissives and slaves alike… it’s not always easy to employ our wisdom. We are often pulled in several directions at once - while simultaneously feeling crushed by the stress and pressures that come with this life we have chosen and cherish. For us… the challenge is to find the discipline to let our wisdom work. I for one find this a great challenge – I tend to let my emotions speak more so then my wisdom.

I take much from the quotes that I save in my surfing on the net – this one is telling me when things are the most hectic… I need to try to slow down… give the wisdom I have acquired time to work. Maybe take a deep breath or make sure I get a good night’s sleep before reacting (maybe that is why Master sends me to bed when I am too out of it… laffs). If we learn how to use our wisdom we can be a genius. Joe Bailey said so…. Smiles!

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