Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Journey Begins....

It is funny how life works sometimes, isn’t it? How things fall apart so they can be put back together stronger and even better.  That is my journey in this life. That roller coaster ride of ups and downs has made me a stronger person and who I am today.  I am happy.  I am reflective.  I am wiser.  I am peaceful.  I am humble.  I believe in starting over and being allowed as many chances as we need until we get it right. I have be
en blessed with a Master that feels the same way about our journey and those that are also a part of it.
My goal for this blog is to share a part of me in hopes that you, as the reader, will learn from my journey or add to it by sharing a piece of yourself with comments and insight.  I hope to share some of my previous writings as well as new thoughts from my overactive mind.  Feedback and thoughts are always welcomed and needed.  I have found in my years of reading online material that there is a lot of information out there but most of it pertaining to the lifestyle does not seem to give a realistic picture of what it is really like to live and breathe being a slave (submissive) 24/7.  I have found in the past that I can always find a lot of information on what I should be doing or what things would be like in a “perfect world” of D/s but not so much on what you do or what happens when those things don’t work.  I have my fingers crossed that we both find some of those answers here at Submissive Haven.

Our home is full… very full… laffs!  We have a big house filled with a loving family and great friends learning about themselves and at different places in their lives.  Our typical home life consists of cats, kids, social activities, laptops/computers, music, a whirl of activity or the background noise of people being happy.  We are a polyamorous family consisting of three females and one Master.  We have a total of 6 kids ranging from ages 7 to 26 years.  We are at various points in our life with the kids… 1st grade, college, first jobs, marriage.  It is an exciting time in our life and when most would say how do you fit “lifestyle” into such a hectic life, we say – this is the lifestyle being lived.  We are often compared to a mix between the shows Big Love and Sister Wives.  Sometimes the titles help in explaining our home to someone new in our life but we are very unique and different from either show.

On a side note – I will use the word submissive and slave interchangeably.  I have a unique outlook on those titles when pertaining to me.  I am sure it will be the topic of a blog posting soon – smiles!  But for now to give you a perspective on me… I consider myself both.  I am a submissive in all areas of my life… even when I am in charge at work or disciplining our children through a stern talk.  However, I am slave to One and only One.  He controls all areas of my life… my body, my soul, my thoughts, my future, my heart, my goals, my life, my everything.

I look forward to our journey together and very happy that you have stopped in to be a part of it. 

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