Sunday, February 26, 2012

If you want to be a slave.

Was sorting through all my document files today when I found this little pearler. It was sent to me quite some time ago. Here now for your pleasure, re-written but unedited. Not sure who the original author is, but it's just "so romantic", I thought it deserved a re-run.


If you want to be a slave,
If you want to be enslaved,
You must show him your inner strength as well as your unquestioning trust.

If you wish to be found pleasing to him, you must struggle to please him and not yourself.
If you wish to devote your life to him, you must learn that your role is not as his peer.
If you would consider yourself his, are you prepared to be "slave" even when it's not easy or fun?
If you call yourself slave, will you obey even in fury or tears?

Do you eliminate the "if's" from your vocabulary, and realise that slavery is not conditional?
A slave gives from the heart, she does not consider it a "gift", it's not all wrapped up in rainbows and pink ribbons.
It's bound by own need, as strongly as the steel around her neck.

You have no right to expect to be respected, to expect love in "return" for your slavery.
You have nothing to expect, except that he will do as he pleases.
You have no right to censor your slavery, or your thoughts or deeds.

Are you ready to be treated as a slave?
Are you ready to put someone's happiness above your own?

Do you put aside your own desires and accept that they will only be fulfilled if he chooses to do so?
Are you ready to strive always to please, and not grow lazy and ride on past successes?
Do you have the ability to lose your selfishness, your sense of looking after yourself first?

Can you leave your pride behind?

Consent is given once, when the collar is begged.
For a slave there is no limits or conditions on consent.
Everything is given then, in that one moment, when a girl crawls to beg for ownership, regardless of whether it is denied or not.

Consent doesn't involve negotiating, a power you gave up the moment you felt his ownership.
You have no power once you surrender all.

Never give what is most sacred to you, if you cannot trust this person with your life.
Never forget, It is not about YOU any more.
Never lose sight that it is a privilege to be owned, and a huge responsibility to those who own you.
Never forget to be grateful if someone does take you on as a possession.

Can you be truly, hopelessly, absolutely owned?
Are you worth being owned? Only he knows.
And if you impose limits on the Master you claim to be owned by...
You only own yourself.

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