Friday, December 2, 2011

Shake the Sugar Tree: Boogie Woogie

I guess we knew I would get to this topic eventually.  As I was reflecting on what to write on tonight I thought why not just get it out on the table because I am constantly in this spot.  Topping from the bottom.  A good submissive is one who submits to her Master’s leadership and authority in all areas of her life.  But sometimes she may say this while still trying to top from the bottom or taking the lead when it has not been given to her. 

Let me share the visual that I get when I think of following my Master or rather the lack of.  Several years ago, we decided to take dance lessons at a local club here in town.  We went out dancing regularly and I would see couples gliding and moving together in unison.  That’s what I wanted to do.  I knew that I would not be one of Arthur Murray’s top students but I did want to be able to move more fluidly with the sounds of the beat playing.
It was every Tuesday night and we were excited to learn the East Coast Swing and other various dances.  The instructor looked so amazing moving around with his different partners.  Then it became our turn as a group to learn the steps.  Master moved forward and I had to move backward.  Then we had the slow, slow, quick, quick rhythm that took over.   This seemed unfair to me.  Why did I have to be the one to move backward?  I could not see where I was going.  I understood that we couldn’t both move forward.  We would be on a collision course for certain.  But why the girl?
The instructor assured me that it would flow well if I would just follow the steps given without question or trying to make changes.  After a few rounds, I didn’t look at all like Ginger Rogers.  Actually I was not happy at all on how I felt.  We were not gliding around the room, moving as one.  It was as though Master were pushing a shopping buggy around the dance floor.
I use the word “push” because I wasn’t guided easily.  More than once the instructor tapped me on the shoulder or stepped in to let me know I was leading not following.  The stern look on Master’s face when I continued to try to lead also told me this.
After a while I did learn how to give in to the gentle pressure of Master’s hand on my back to move me forward and the release of the pressure to move me back.  With a slight tug I learned when to twirl, and with a lift of the arm, I learned to spin.  Amazingly, I discovered that Master had the most difficult job as leader of the dance.  He had to learn when and where to push, press, and release, and all I had to do was follow His cues.  When I did, I looked like the one doing all the fancy moves, but in reality, I was just following His lead.
When I think of the visual, I get a true lesson of the symbiotic dance of our life.  When I learn to comply with my Master’s leadership we move as a beautifully choreographed dance designed to please Him and fit into His plans for our dance card.
Shaking the sugar tree...

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